We believe homes should be crafted with care, then overbuilt with longevity in mind

We believe each home should be crafted with care, over-built, and be enjoyable to build. Attention to the project is essential, a home is the biggest investment in most people's lives.
For these reasons, we choose to build only 2-3 projects per year. This gives each project the time and focus it deserves, as well as ensuring clients receive the best attention possible.

The average schedule for most new builds is 6-7 months. Variables, like distance to project, size and quality of finishes will affect schedule as well.
A $3 million cottage at Emma Lake will take more time to complete than a $300k home in Saskatoon. An online schedule will be built and fully accessible by the owners at all stages of their build.

Once you are ready to choose a builder, give us a call. We would be honored to meet with you and discuss your project. Early discussion revolves around builder/client relationship, cost, schedule and quality of your intended build.
All projects have three variables that affect the final outcome. These variables are Cost, Schedule and Quality. If you change one variable, one or both of the other variables will change with it.

All projects have a budget to stay within. Budget is one of the most important factors when starting your project. Typically your designer will give you some ideas on cost in the design phase and have designed the project with a small or large budget in mind.
Upon seeing your plans and asking some preliminary questions on quality of finishes, we will provide a preliminary quote. This ensures the project is in the right ballpark for cost and allows us to make early changes if necessary.

After making any changes necessary from the preliminary budget, we can begin to get quotes on each component of your building and provide a solidified estimate for your project. If the final quote is acceptable, we sign off on it together and begin the process of building your home.
During construction, cost is carefully controlled and any changes to cost are approved by the owners prior to commencement. This ensures no surprises in the final cost of the building.

Along with size, quality is the biggest determining factor in the overall cost of a project. The structure of a house is the same per square foot regardless of the finishes placed on it.
A house with vinyl siding at $1.75/sf, will cost far less than a house with long board siding at $30/sf. We work with interior designers to select your interior materials and get them at the best prices possible for you.

All of our projects are overbuilt. Period. There is nothing more frustrating than spending money on a new home only to see it rapidly decay and have to spend money repairing items after only 2 years living in it.
Instead of spending thousands repairing afterwards, we can spend hundreds initially and put in smart products that will last a lifetime.
While we won't give all of our secrets away, it is a list based on decades of construction experience and dozens of contractors combined knowledge. Save time, money and protect your investment, do it right the first time.